Industry Resources

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Ordinance 11 (The Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and the Regulating of Transportation Services Within the City)

 Taxicab Permitting Policy & Revenue Generation 

City Policy 500-2

Taxi Permitting Process Study, Prepared for MTS by True North Research  (Note: UTWSD does not necessarily agree with the opinions of this study)

Taxi Failure Rate Agenda 

San Diego Taxi Stand Locations
Taxi Studies

“Higher Pay, Safer Cabbies: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Driver Incomes and Taxi Crashes in New York City” by Schaller Consulting

“Workplace Safety Issues of San Diego Taxi Drivers: What About Their Health & Safety?” Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) 

Driven to Despair: A Survey of San Diego Taxi Drivers  San Diego State University (SDSU) and Center on Policy Initiatives (CPI)

“Driving Poor: Taxi Drivers and the Regulation of the Taxi Industry in Los Angeles” by Professor Gary Blasi of UCLA Law School and UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations

UNFARE: Taxi Drivers and the Cost of Moving the City, A report by the Community Development Project of the Urban Justice Center New York

Workplace Violence Against Taxi Drivers, Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) New York

Banned from Bathrooms – L.A. Taxi Drivers and Denial of Restroom Access, Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) Los Angeles

Los Angeles Taxi Drivers and Restroom Access- Dignity on the Job

Driven into Poverty: 2008 Comprehensive Study of the Chicago Taxicab Industry, by Dr. Robert Bruno, Associate Professor of Labor & Employment Relations Director, Labor Education Program School of Labor and Employment Relations University of Illinois

Taxi Driver Labor Market Study: Long Hours, Low Wages (Portland), by the City of Portland Revenue Bureau

Driving Austin, Driving Injustice, by the Texas RioGrande Legal Aid and Texas C-BAR, funded in part by the Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Case for Taxi Deregulation: Equity, efficiency and getting a cab when you want one, by David Seymour, Senior Policy Analyst at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy New Zealand

Dispatching Injustice: Cab Drivers Struggle in Prince George’s County, by The Advancement Project

Workplace Violence: Preventing Violence against Taxi and For-Hire Drivers Fact Sheet OSHA

Risk Factors and Protective Measures for Taxi and Livery Drivers OSHA

SDSU Center for Consensus Organizing: Information and Recommendations of San Diego Taxi Industry Study

San Diego City Council
Public Safety and Neighborhood Services
Taxi Maintenance Resources

Energy Towing – Fast, Reliable Towing Service. Open 24 hours. Locally owned and operated.