AFL-CIO Casts Historic Vote for TWA to Unionize Taxi Drivers Nationwide

Taxi Workers Seek AFL-CIO Membership Aug 3, 2011 — “They said drivers work 60 to 70 hours a week in one of the most grueling and dangerous jobs around—at minimum wage. They have no job security. Employers routinely misclassify them as “independent contractors” and deny the drivers protections given to traditional employees, including the freedom to form a union. They risk […]

NYC Driver Bill of Rights Passed

The Taxicab Fleet/DOV Driver Bill of Rights Has Passed! Monday, 28 November 2011 “Expect to see a poster at every garage, brokerage, and meter shop in the next few months, informing taxi drivers of their rights. Thank you to all the members who came out to the TLC Public Hearing where drivers packed the room! It should now be clear […]