San Diego Free Press: Driven to Despair: Are San Diego’s Taxis Like a Bangladesh Clothing Factory on Wheels?
The Starting Line – Driven to Despair: Are San Diego’s Taxis Like a Bangladesh Clothing Factory on Wheels?
by DOUG PORTER on MAY 24, 2013
A survey released yesterday leaves little room for doubt that conditions in the local taxi industry pose a very real threat to the safety of passengers, drivers and the general public in San Diego.
Conducted over a two month period by San Diego State University and the Center for Policy Initiatives (CPI), the study interviewed 331 local cab drivers, asking about earnings, expenses, hours, health care, vehicle safety and industry practices.
What emerges from the data is a picture of nearly serf-like conditions, where workers are obliged to perform in unsafe vehicles for long stretches of time with low pay under an ever-present threat of being blackballed should they dare to complain about conditions.
Original Source: San Diego Free Press | Driven to Despair: Are San Diego’s Taxis Like a Benghazi Clothing Factory on Wheels?