Say NO to Dispatches that Fight Against You!

Happy Friday night drivers! We’ve been getting complaints from drivers who have received phone calls from Yellowcab directly after or before they went to MTS to get their permit applications to solicite them to join their dispatch.

We want to remind our drivers that Yellowcab, USA Cab, Orange Cab and others fought AGAINST drivers from having their own permits. They spoke out and lobbied the City and MTS to try and stop the policy from going forward. This was all on public record! Watch the November 10th City Council Meeting to see various permit holders and dispatch companies speak out against the reform.

Currently these same dispatch companies are also suing MTS to reverse the Cities decision to lift the cap!

Driver members are working hard and are close to gaining certification for a driver run dispatch that is affordable and equitable. We’re meeting with marketing firms to make this a successful social enterprise for both drivers and the community. Stay the course! This is a new time and we must move forward together.

Say NO to dispatch companies that are fighting to take your medallion away!

Have ideas or feedback? Contact us! [email protected] (619)255-7355

In Solidarity,