TaxiCab Advisory Committee Meeting – June 14, 2017

UTWSD like to thank our representatives for coming out to TaxiCab Advisory Committee meeting on June 14, 2017.

Those who come together to say no to Port of San Diego’s attention to remove taxicab stand located on Kettner and Harbor Drive (Grand Hyatt Hotel) due to taxi drivers not complying with Traffic/Ordinance Regulations. This is ridiculous if MTSTA or Port of San Diego wants to stop industries that are here to operate illegally a violation of everything is to TNC’s. The fight is not over this recommendation will go to MTS executive board have a final say on this, UTWSD is sending a message to MTS Taxi Administration is to stand with the taxi drivers on this issue.

We will let you know when they are going to bring this issue.

United Taxi Workers of San Diego doors are open to all of you on Monday’s and Tuesdays between 10 AM and 4 PM for any questions or concerns.

Thank you.