Opening the Airport – April 2018

Opening the Airport

Come signup for Equality at the Airport for the month April 2018
On June 2018 The Airport Board will be voting open the airport for all!
UTWSD is the only organization that gives taxi drivers a voice in their industry!


  • 2009: Taxi drivers Go on strike! UTWSD is Born!
  • 2010-2011 UTWSD lobbies and win equal representation at TAC
  • 2012 UTWSD help strike at the airport and STOP front of the line privileges
    and 38 cents trip fees at the airport
  • 2013-2014 UTWSD build a coalition to lift the cap on taxi permits and
    OPENED November 2014 the permit system
  • 2015 UTWSD worked with the MTS/City Council rules and regulation open
    market system and RELEASED the first permit
  • 2016-2017 UTWSD we work with MTSTA over-regulation on ordinance 11
    and reducing the insurance from 1mil to 350, both are approved.
  • 2016-2017 UTWSD we worked and tried to open the airport, Unfortunately,
    We were not united. Know we get another opportunity to do so, June 2018.
    What we need now more than ever Unified voice among drivers who want
    An even playing field. Same like November 2014 lifting the cap on taxis at
    the airport.

That’s why we are asking all drivers to come to United Taxi Workers of San Diego and sign the
petition at 4265 Fairmount Ave #180 San Diego CA 92105 between the Hours of 9-4pm

We must continue to stand together! Now is the time to make the industry work for All of us!

For more information, you can reach us 619-255-7355.