2016 Taxi Advisory Lease Driver Elections!

Attention All Lease Drivers: 


Monday April 25 – Wednesday April 27

9am – 4pm

Taxicab Administration Office 1501 National Avenue, San Diego, California 92113

Taxi Advisory Committee Elections Start Tomorrow! Show up and make your vote count!  There are 5 seats available and four union drivers nominated. Cast a vote for each one of them. You do not need to vote for all 5 positions. VOTE UNION DRIVERS that will stand up for your rights and be there to listen to your issues and ideas to make the industry better.

** We have clarified with MTS and you will have 5 votes for the 5 open seats **

VOTE for the following four lease drivers:

Mohamed Omar

Tarik Afifi

Alfred Banks

Abel Seifu

Each Driver has pledged to fight alongside YOU!


About The Taxi Advisory Committee

If you have any questions or if you have any issues voting please contact us at (619)255-7355 or email [email protected]

View Taxicab Advisory Committee Elections Process

**For Owner-Operators, You Will Receive Notice of Elections That Will Take Place Next Month.**