Special Thanks – Airport Authority Attendees

Congratulations to all who came out yesterday for the meeting at the Airport Authority regarding the limited cap on taxi permits at the airport. UTWSD were successful advocates on behalf of taxi drivers in San Diego, would like to thank our friend’s CPI Dr. Peter Brownell who came and spoke on the disparity between TNC/TAXI. Also we want to thank Airport board for their willingness to listen to what we had to say on the issue. Special thanks to Board member, Jim Desmond who echoed our sentiment regarding equality and leveling the playing field. Also, Mary Sessom who seconded and passed unanimously that the staff to go back and bring openings for all drivers like TNC; the pros and cons.
By June 2018, UTWSD and allies will be the only organizations helping taxi drivers since 2009. We opened the permits for the city in 2014 and organized to help open the airport for all. There are people out that are making our work difficult not understanding the dynamics and think that they are helping the situation, but in fact hurting it more. There are some who do not want to open the taxi permits for all; however, they are pretending they are helping.
UTWSD encourages all drivers to be aware and support the organization that is in support of you day in and day out. Do not make the same mistake you made in February 2017.
Remember Unity is the key! We must unite in one voice.