Taxi News
UTWSD is proud to be part of the Census 2020!

UTWSD is proud to be part of the Census 2020!

Throughout Count Me 2020, UTWSD did 300 pledge cards, 120 magnet advertisements, phone banking 1000, and help our members fill the census online.

We did the pledge cards in City Heights, Lemon Grove Imperial, and the total impression were 300.

The phone banking total impression was 1000.

UTWSD also did a magnet advertisement on 120 magnets and paid the drivers 25 dollars a week for two months

We want to thank these organizations we work throughout the census use The Labor Council, United Way of San Diego County, and San Diego Grant Makers, who make this work possible.

UTWSD would like to remind you of the census 2020 counting in ending tomorrow and is urging the community to do their census online or mail your response.

UTWSD would also like to remind our members to bring back the magnet advertisement to the office by October 01, 2020.